Membership benefits

  • Fun4all offers monthly events at £3 or £5 with Pick Up.
  • Chippenham events are held in the Rotary Hall on Station Hill
  • Christmas Dinner   18th  December 2017

Membership of the Club is open to all regardless of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs or disability.

Candidates for membership please complete Form  fun4allmembershipform1V2.7×2017

If any help is required in completing this form, do please contact, our Membership Officer on 01249 445905

or email

  • Full members          (£5 p.a.)

Vote at General Meetings.   These are a carers, former carers, and their immediate family, and anyone being cared for, as long as they are over 16 years of age. Have full benefits of the charity.  To keep costs to minimum, all correspondence to the same address will be collated.

  • Affiliated Members   (£35 p.a.)

These are   voluntary organisations or community groups with an interest in actively working with Fun4All . To be considered at the discretion of the ‘Exec’ committee on a year to year basis.  1 Group member representative is entitled to vote at general meetings.


Once accepted by the ‘Exec’, membership is due from 1st January and is valid for the calendar year.

Membership provides numerous benefits, which include attendance of our events, meeting and supporting each other. Sharing experiences, having fun and gaining mutual support is at the heart of Fun4ALL . We have many outings and a Christmas meal. In all cases, carers are encouraged to say what would be helpful to them and to contribute to planning future events.