Donating Online

Fun4all aims to maximise your donation

Donate online – via Givey/ PaypalgivingFund  (Note : you can donate as a guest so there is no requirement for an actual  Paypal account)

Donations are processed and delivered by eBay’s partner charity, PayPal Giving Fund, which passes on 100% of your donations to your chosen charity. Givey is a social way to make donating to our cause both easy and very cost effective for you.  Givey also uses social technologies like SMS and Twitter  to make small donations instantly and they can encourage others to do the same by connecting with other people who also want to make a difference.

£10 donated (gift-aided) will give us £12.50,  ie no fees are taken at all, and we pay no fixed monthly fee either;  unlike many other online charity providers collecting donations.

Create your own ‘Givey’ account if you would also like to donate to other charities or search for similar charities

Donate  via your mobile

Fun4All would like to thank all our donors  for their continued support.